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Viera Suntree Little League

Viera Suntree Little League

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we know when inclement weather is too close for safe play?

Viera Suntree Little League has the unique opportunity to utilize a lightning sensor installed at Viera Regional Park. If inclement weather is approaching within 10 miles accompanied by lightning, the park's sensors will sound.

When you hear 1 LONG siren burst, it means lightning is within 10 miles and all players, coaches and fans should immediately leave the field.
When you hear 2 siren burst 30 minutes after the first alert, it means the weather has passed, and it is safe to resume play. 

What is a VSLL Membership and what does it do for me?

Under the VSLL Constitution, the following is true...


SECTION 1 Eligibility - Any person sincerely interested in active participation to further the objective of this Local League may apply to become a Member. 

SECTION 2 Classes - There shall be the following classes of Members: 

a) Player Members - Any player candidate meeting the requirements of Little League Regulation IV shall be eligible to compete for participation. Player Members shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League. 

b) Regular Members - Any adult person actively interested in furthering the objectives of the Local League may become a Regular Member upon election and payment of dues as hereinafter provided. Regular Members may be issued a card numbered in sequential order annually. The secretary shall maintain the roll of membership to qualify voting members. 

Only Regular Members in good standing are eligible to vote at General Membership Meetings. All Officers, Board Members, Committee Members, Managers, Coaches, Volunteer Umpires, and other elected or appointed officials must be active Regular Members in good standing. 

Note: Regular Members of the league automatically include all current Managers, Coaches, Volunteer Umpires, Board Members, Officers of the Board, and any other person who is recognized by the Board as a volunteer in the Local League, including the following volunteers titles listed below: 

Recommended Positions: Team parent, Equipment Manager, Coaching Coordinator, Sponsorship/Fundraisers Manager, Information Officer, Groundskeepers, Concessions Manager, Umpire-In-Chief etc... 

a) Honorary Members (Optional) - Any person may be elected as Honorary Member by the unanimous vote of all Directors present at any duly held meeting of the Board of Directors but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.

b) Sustaining Members (Optional) - Any person not a Regular Member who makes financial or other 
contribution to the Local League may by a majority vote of the Board of Directors become a Sustaining Member, but such person shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of the Local League.

c) As used hereinafter, the word “Member” shall mean a Regular Member unless otherwise stated. 

SECTION 3 Other Affiliations -

a) Members, whether Regular or Player, shall not be required to be affiliated with another organization or group to qualify as members of the Local League. 

b) Regular Members should not be actively engaged in the promotion and/or operation of any other baseball/softball programs.

How do I know which field my child plays on?

Games and practices are held at Suntree Fields and Viera Regional Park. A map of both locations can be found here. This labels each field within each of our complexes. 

How do I know what size uniform to order my child?

Hats - Adjustable hats comes in ADULT and YOUTH sizes.

TBall, A & AA Players  (universal sock size)

Sizing Charts 

AAA Players (universal belt and sock sizes)

Sizing Charts

Majors and Up Players (universal belt and sock sizes)

Sizing Charts

Softball (universal belt and sock sizes)

Sizing Charts

How do I determine the proper division for my child?

Playing divisions are determined by age and sport. You can use the Little League Baseball/Softball Age Calculator (be sure to select the correct sport)  to determine the appropriate division for your child. VSLL does reserve the right to move children to different divisions based on their playing ability and concern for safety. 

When does VSLL play?

Fall Ball: Begins in September to November. Registration usually beings in late July. This is a more relaxed and instructional season. It is the perfect time to try the sport! 
Spring Ball: Assessments typically are held in late January and play begins in late-February / early-March.   Registration for Spring season begins in November. This is a more focused season. Competition is tougher and score and standings are kept. 
All Stars: June - August. All Stars are extremely competitive. This is for players 8 and older. All Star rosters are selected by division managers and players MUST have played during the Spring season to be considered.  Teams have the opportunity to play in District, Regional, State, and National tournaments. 

Where does VSLL play?

VSLL teams practice and play their home games at two parks in Viera/Suntree. Fields are determined by division and availability. 

Viera Regional Park (VRP): Located at 2300 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera, FL 32940
Suntree Fields: Located on Jordan Blass Dr, Melbourne, FL 32940 (Adjacent to the Suntree Library and Suntree Elementary)

What equipment does my child need?

Parents of children starting tball or softball for the first time may question what equipment is necessary for the first day of practice. 

Players are expected to provide: Rubber molded cleats (tballers may wear sneakers and juniors/seniors baseball may wear metal cleats), protective athletic cups for all males above tball, approved batting helmets (not mandatory, but recommended for sanitary reasons), bats, baseball/softball glove or mit, and baseball pants (game pants are provided during the spring season). 

VSLL does supply some community equipment including: uniforms (Fall: jersey and hat ; Spring: pants, belt, socks, jersey and hat) catchers gear, tball tees, practice balls, game balls, team bags for helmets, batting helmets (although most children prefer to wear their own helmets for sanitary reasons), and tball bats. 

What bat can I use ?

Bat rules differ for each age group. Little League does have a very thorough explanation on their website. You can access that information HERE!  Please be sure to review the requirements for your division prior to purchasing a bat. It can be an expensive mistake, if an unacceptable bat is purchased.

Also, our generous sponsors at Dick's Sporting Goods offer VSLL Discount Weekends at the beginning of each season. It may be worth the wait, if you can! 

How do I find out if my child's games or practices are canceled?

Your manager may inform you, but you can always check our Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. We will also send out an email announcing any field closures.

Who do I contact if I have a question about my child and baseball/softball?

If you have a registration question, contact Aran Hissam at [email protected]

Once your child is assigned to a team, your child's manager or team mom is the best resource for information.

If you feel you need to escalate the situation above the team manager, you can email [email protected] your question/concern is sent to the correct Division VP, Coaching Coordinator or VP of Baseball/Softball Operations. Our goal is to get your issue addressed promptly and resolved at the lowest level. Please do not hesitate to reach out, if you are concerned, confused or have a suggestion! 

Can I sign-up  my child up if money is tight at home?

Absolutely! We understand  families face financial hardships from time-to-time, but we would never want to take sporting opportunities away from a child. If you are interested in obtaining a VSLL Player Scholarship, please email our Registration Officer  for an application. 

Understand there are multiple levels of approval for each child before a scholarship is offered. Also, here is no guarantee a scholarship will be available for each applicant. Families MUST reapply each season for VSLL Player Scholarships.

Additionally, Volunteer Hours MUST be completed as a 'repayment' for the scholarship. These hours may include concessions stand help, field prep, or All Star Staffing (if VSLL hosts a tournament). Each child is REQUIRED to pay for fundraising cards (traditionally $30 per child) during the SPRING SEASON, but they can be resold to recoup out-of-pocket expenses. Each scholarship athlete MUST provided their own glove, helmet, baseball pants (during Fall season only), and appropriate footwear.  Please contact the Registration Officer with any questions.



Viera Suntree Little League
Registration Questions: Please contact Hester at [email protected] 

Email: [email protected]

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